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Lynn Abbey
TSR (post-Gygax era) Works:
Year: 1993 Type: Fiction Title: Service, DARK SUN WORLD: Black Flames, AD&D 2nd Ed., DSM1 Adventure, Folder Box
Year: 1994 Type: Fiction Title: DARK SUN WORLD: The Brazen Gambit, Chronicles of Athas: Book 1 of 5
Year: 1995 Type: Fiction Title: DARK SUN WORLD: Cinnabar Shadows, Chronicles of Athas: Book 4 of 5
Year: 1996 Type: Fiction Title: DARK SUN WORLD: The Rise and Fall of a Dragon King, Chronicles of Athas: Book 5 of 5
Year: 1997 Type: Fiction Title: FORGOTTEN REALMS FANTASY ADVENTURE: The Simbul’s Gift, The Nobles: Book 6 of 6
Year: 1997 Type: Fiction Title: In The Bleak Deep Winter, Dragon Magazine 242, pp. 62-71.
Lynn Abbey’s own website: The Worlds of Lynn Abbey