TTSRR is intended to serve as an arts & culture non-profit organization, the purpose of which is to share a commonly held love and passion for games… especially tabletop… of all kinds. In this digital age of gaming, as much as we love our video games… and we really really do… it is often hard to step away from the computer and get together in real life to play some tabletop games. exists to facilitate just that.
I sincerely hope encourages you to get together once a week with a group of friends to enjoy what gaming is like away from the screen! Become a tabletop gamer!
This is the TSR (Tactical Studies Rules) logo of the first TSR product (D&D Basic Set (2nd Edition, the “Otus” Set)) I owned; I got this set for my 12th birthday (1981). I love this logo. And now… I am the wizard! Muwahaha! I hope my usage of this logo differs enough from it and/or is covered by fair use laws. began out of my love for roleplaying games, especially those of TSR, and of those… especially Dungeons & Dragons… and Gamma World. Although,’s initial focus was on remaining loyal to Gygax’s vision and thus TTSRR did not initially care to indulge… much…ish… in the recognition of post-Gygax (post-1985) TSR. But because Gygax’s vision was so expansive, and creatively inspiring to gamers, TTSRR embraces a love for all genres of games.
It may go without saying that TTSRR strives to serve as a launching pad for any house rules for later D&D versions (3.5, etc.) that are inspired by TSR (OD&D, D&D, AD&D, etc.), to be shared with the community. In addition, I will ultimately be utilizing as a launching pad for my own roleplaying game inspired by many roleplaying games including Gary Gygax’s Dangerous Journeys!
What about Wizards of the Coast?
The capacity of Lorraine Williams to manage a game company is no longer in question. With a debt load of perhaps $30 million dollars or more, and facing bankruptcy soon, she sold out to Wizards of the Coast in 1997. That is surely a step in the right direction for TSR. Gary Gygax
Do you have ideas… info… insight? Share your advice, knowledge, experience and stories with TTSRR’s readers. We would love to host your articles, photographs, and videos… DIY projects, informed opinions, real life experiences and tutorials. If we use your content, you will retain all copyright on your work, and we’ll give you an official author byline with your profile photo (if you want one) and/or a link back to your website. But what’s even better than personal esteem and exposure as an online authority? Knowing that you are helping TTSRR become a reality!
Send your submissions!
About me…
Confirmed Aliases: T^Boan, TBoan, Troylan, Trol, the Trowie, and a myriad of others, common and lesser known, legendary and mythological, esoteric and otherwise, veritable multitudes of secret ancestral cognomens and cognomia, and references and titles to, and of, official undisclosed psychoses, κτλ.
Species (likely): Homo sapiens sylvaticus.
Tattoos: None; only scars.
Last Known Location: in or near redwood or other woodland, grassland, badland, and/or riparian, wetland or aquatic habitat.
Fave Noms: Cooks with fire!
Academia: Interdisciplinary Studies: Ethnobotany BS; Anthropology BA.
Official Title: Ecoculture Village Archon (Founder, President, & CEO).
Collaborative Intent: Imperare [‘to command,’ from in- ‘toward’ + parare ‘prepare, contrive’]; thus, work{love-in-action}ing toward creating a culture of ecological and economic innovation and stability by way of effective study (-logy) and management (-nomy) of eco (from Greek οἶκος)… ecoculture.
Quote: Two things I think are worth anything at all… all things wilderness and ecoculture… and well, RPGs… and skateboarding!
So, what’s up!?See what I am doing online @ TBoanProds… a real swank site… an assemblage or focal point of all the online endeavors that are T^Boan Productions.
Advice, comments, questions or suggestions? —
Contact me…